Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bad Girls Make Me Angry.

I've always wondered why girls pick on other girls. Just because you make fun of her Double Ds won't make you magically grow two cup sizes in a night. Why do you have to demean other peoples' positives? Well not exactly all things positive... Just things They are jealous of. Example? You're so tall and beautiful and They just happen to be stubby. They don't want you to see that you're model material, in turn, being tall and elegant is being a yeti in Their minds. Or when someone does is weird, but makes that person happy. Are you jealous of the happiness you'll never have? Is you're self-esteem THAT low? Must you take away what makes other people feel somewhat HAPPY? Are you that SELFISH? Taking away happiness from people so you can feel good about YOURSELF? ONLY yourself? Why do you make fun? Why do you bully? Is it... that you're naturally crusty? Or are you on a mood swing?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are You a Curious Cat?

There's really a lot of crap in life. The difference for everyone is how much there is, and how much is served in each day. Unfortunately, I've had enough crap with some to spare for next week. But I'm not going to talk about that. Who cares what I call my personal life? People judge from the outside and they always will. But they're different people like me out there... The curious cats.

The Curious Cats. We don't know when to stop doing something or when to not do anything. All we know is that something intrigues us and we have to find out what it is. Taking apart things, being nosy in other peoples' lives, and going into dangerous things that can harm us, that's what most of us Curious Cats do. Some know how to stop, and when something might harm us (those smart blokes.) But when you're a NAIVE Curious Cat, things get real dangerous. Why? Because a weak mind and a strong will is a BAD combination. I pity myself for I am the dangerously stupid cat.

Not only am I the stupid cat, I'm the OPTIMISTIC one. You know what that means? When I break something, I don't stop. I think I can fix it. Which of course, I end up breaking it beyond repair. It also means each stranger is a potential friend. And in a world where people do bad things to other people, and take advantage of ones kindness, it's safe to say that happy-go-lucky stupid cats, throw the "don't talk to strangers rule" out the window. Why? Because you give people a chance. You talk to them, you get to know them. THEN you judge. But. People do do bad things to other people. You CAN'T forget that. But being STUPID, NAIVE, usually HAPPY, and a CURIOUS Cat, why it's like someone made an atomic bomb that's headed to destroy the world.