Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Give Me Speech. This Is What I Say.

Musical Entertainment.
I love music. Oh so very much.
I wouldn't say music is my life, however. I wish I could, but I can't seem to use my "talents" to find that "spark." I'm saying that in a way, yes. I am musical. But why? Because I can play instruments? That doesn't really count. In my eyes, it's not important you can PLAY instruments, no. That doesn't really utilize your learning and is a waste of time. But when you PERFORM them with emotion and talent, that is true music. Of course, it helps that most people like your music.

Music is a broad term and I'm getting block trying to cover its vast defination in one entree.
So I decided to focus on one thing for now:


I was researching today if singing was a gentetic ability that you were born with. It's pretty stupid, but I was really curious. Why does the ability to sound so lovely come so easy to some than it is to others? I wasn't really thinking strait, but I came up with the conculsion that you're born with the voice you have. The "real" voice you have wouldn't be available until you mature. You can train your voice, and some may have been born with the natrual talent to have a keen ear. But in the end, if your nasally voice is annoying to others, there's not much you can do. That is the voice you were born with. The best you can do is not be tone-deaf.

Some people say they can't sing. Is it because they tried once, but gave up after They came to bully them into extinction? Now having this mentality, I'm thinking, "Unless They were the brave ones who happen to put themselves out there and are the best singer in the universe, who gives a crap what They think?" You do what you love. If you give up on what you love, you can't find happiness in life.

Or do some people say they can't sing because they're scared of what They think? That's pretty bad. You haven't even got in the game and you ruled yourself out. It's like those Barbies in middle school who stand in the corner of the gym during a game. And instead of wanting others to believe those Barbies are cowards (which they are,) they give others the impression that this is "cool." That to not try is cool. That being pretty, but useless is cool. And if you see what they're really trying to do, They demean you. When you take off the makeup, the pretty clothes, and that fake personality on a Barbie, what do you get? A coward. A coward scared of the world and the opinions of people. That's not true for all Barbies, but I don't want to steer off my path.

This is pretty much the reasons I can think of right now, mainly because they both apply to me. The above? That's what I say when no one is looking. It's really sad that I care about what They think so much. I just, in reality don't want to be alone. Because when there's a They, They form a mass and attack when you're alone. That's all They are. They attack in numbers, and never seperate. Because if They did, They would just be individuals with actual opinions. And in this world, "it's soo not cool to be an individual!" America is full of contridictions. This being one of them:

The World seems to support individuality, but when you finally come out of your shell, the World beats down you and tries to connect you to Them. To be like Them. Because the world is ignorant and can't accept anything that brings change.

WOW. I got off topic...

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