Thursday, July 7, 2011


I'm "Solaris."
I made this blog for many reasons. Not important reasons, but they're still... reasons. Mainly the blog was created because I was well, bored. I also thought a blog was a way to "vent" or "express strong feelings."And not going to lie, I love to write. But writing is so slow when I actually have to scribble my words onto a piece of paper. I thought blogging about what I thought and go through was a good way of saving the planet. However, the more I'm thinking about it, the energy my computer is spending writing this has to be worse than some lead and a sliced of tree, right? Oh nevermind, I confuse myself too much... Yeah sorry about that... Welcome to my blog and thanks for reading. I hope you stick around for the useless junk I have to write :)

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