Saturday, July 9, 2011


Two mornings in the row, my slumber has been interrupted. Making me VERY irritated.
The first was innoccent. Shame on Them.
The second, close coincidence. Shame on me.
You'd think I learned something about cell phones and sleep. And I thought I did.

You see, the first time I had set my phone on normal. Thinking I had outsmart Them, I had set my phone on vibrate the second time.

Boy was I wrong.

I still woke up. (Not surprising when the world is out to get you, is it?) This time, it wasn't as bad. But of course being paranoid, I thought the vibrations were a freaky Earth phenomenon. I was able to pick up, only finding out it's my sick aunt (known as SShopper to you.) I know she was scared because she thought her sickness had worsen, but please:


Since then, I woke up and haven't been able to sleep. Did I mention I went to sleep around three? I feel sick from my war yesterday and I just felt a rise in my blood pressure.

Gosh, I hate mornings.

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