Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sperm Bank?

I remember a best friend I use to have a few months ago. She'll be know as GPop to you. GPop and I were very intune with each other, but one of GPop's "friends" told her lies about me and so our friendship tumbled. We rose from those ashes after GPop was no longer brainwashed and I told her the truth. Nevermind that story though, I wanted to talk about something else.
Being best friends, GPop and I always debated about girly things. Such as pads v.s. tampons, powder eyeshadow v.s. cream and if we wanted to stay a virgin the rest of our lives. Weird I know, but I couldn't stop thinking about it during breakfast. Losing her v-card terrified GPop and she was really agaisnt it. I however, said "We're going to loose it at one point of our lives. How are you going to make childern?" Then GPop thought of the perfect solution:

A sperm bank.

I know it isn't really sex, just a strangers' sperm injected into you. It's really weird seeing those three words finally out of my head. It's like getting a custom made baby. A baby that was planned instead of a surprise baby conceived at a drunken party. I also heard those procedures cost money. Does that mean your baby is worth that much? Or is it the sperm? Man, for it to only take one sperm cell to make a baby, that is a little heavy price in my book. Not that I'm interested. I found it weird to not bond with your guy first and decide as a couple this is what you really want. Instead of choosing sperm from a stranger just based on his description and probably a picture.

But trying to see the positive, I think it might be a good choice for some women. For example, a woman who can't find her "soul mate" but really wishes to have a baby of her own. A lonely woman who wants her baby to be the best her baby can be. And that's all I can think of right now. I think it's best if the woman who is considering to go to a sperm bank be single and I know all of you probably already know that... Because it'd be weird to be the father of a baby that isn't necessarily yours. But I'm second guessing myself again. What about the fathers of adopted kids? They all love their childern as if they're their own. (Unlike my mom who says she doesn't think she can.) So I guess it isn't weird. Maybe sperm banks could be useful for couples where the male is infertile and they both wish to have a baby together.

I have no idea what I just wrote considering my thinking [in my opinion] is immature. This is about as deep I can go without contridicting myself (which I probably already did.) In the end, GPop wants to stay a virgin until she dies (hopefully she won't die unless of old age,) and I see that one day when I'm ready for a child, I will loose my v-card. But to the love of my life not drunk at a party (because I HATE the taste of alcohol.)

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